I'd like to create a dialog box to input some special characters onto InDesign without running the dialog every time, after I clicked on some button to input characters.
A modeless dialog is the choice. But I got many crashes. Finally, with the sample from Adobe, I got a stable programming pattern, which works with Adobe CC.
Here is the code:
#targetengine session;
// the above line is necessary to create a modeless dialog with
// var win = new Window("palette", ...);
// refer to the sample program from Adobe: "SnpCreateDialog.jsx".
// Which is usually located at the folder (Windows):
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\SDK\Samples\javascript
function AModelessDialog() {
this.windowRef = null;
function setupWindow() {
var ww = new Window("palette", "A Modeless Dialog");
return ww;
AModelessDialog.prototype.run = function() {
var win = setupWindow();
this.windowRef = win;
return true;
new AModelessDialog().run();
// Above lines are the programming pattern for a modeless dialog with ScriptUI
// The following lines are the function to create the "palette".
// You may modify the following function, splite it to functions, in order to design
// your window UI.
function addComponents(w) {
w.orientation = "column";
w.grpRadioBtns = w.add ('group');
w.grpRadioBtns.orientation = "row";
w.radio32 = w.grpRadioBtns.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "32 bit");
w.radio64 = w.grpRadioBtns.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "64 bit");
w.radio64.value = true;
w.grpIPA = w.add ('group');
w.grpIPA.orientation = "row";
w.btnIPA01 = w.grpIPA.add ('button {text: "ɑ̃"}'); // U+0251 U+0303
w.btnIPA01.onClick = function () { insertText(w.btnIPA01.text); }
w.btnIPA02 = w.grpIPA.add ('button {text: "ɛ̃"}'); // U+025B U+0303
w.btnIPA02.onClick = function () { insertText(w.btnIPA02.text); }
w.btnPanel = w.add("panel", [25,15,255,110], "A Panel");
w.btnPanel.orientation = "row";
w.btnPanel.okBtn = w.btnPanel.add("button", [15,45,105,65], "OK");
w.btnPanel.cancelBtn = w.btnPanel.add("button", [120, 45, 210, 65], "Cancel");
w.btnPanel.okBtn.onClick = function() {
w.btnPanel.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {
function insertText(theText) {
var myDoc;
try {
myDoc = app.activeDocument;
catch (xError) {
// check for selection
if (myDoc.selection.length > 0) {
if (myDoc.selection[0] instanceof InsertionPoint) {
myDoc.selection[0].contents = theText;
Line 1 and line 9 ~ 27 are the programming pattern of the modeless dialog in ScriptUI for Adobe CC.
Using "new Window('palette');" to create a modeless dialog is not true on CC. To make it work, line 1 is necessary to be added on top of the code.
Form Line 34 to the end are the sample UIs:
- two radio buttons,
- two buttons: click on them, some characters will be inserted into an InDesign document.
- one panel with
- two more buttons to close the modeless dialog.
Here is the UI of the dialog with the input result in InDesign:
The code had been tested on Adobe InDesign CC 2017.1.
The Adobe sample "SnpCreateDialog.jsx" is usually located at the folder (Windows):
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\SDK\Samples\javascript
Do you know why it does that?