Here is a simple sample to make color list in InDesign. It is very simple, because, there are no left-right page handling, no color values for cyan, magenta, yellow and black, no page numbers, no comments, and no drawing the border of the color-box. And I don't have much time to reply any question. Please try it on your own. Here is the code: main(); function main() { if (app.documents.length == 0) { var myDocument = app.documents.add(); basicSetup(myDocument); myDocument.textFrames.item(0).remove(); makeSwatch(myDocument); } return 0; } function basicSetup(myDocument) { myDocSetup(myDocument); myMasterSpreads(myDocument); } function myDocSetup(myDocument) { with (myDocument.documentPreferences) { pageHeight = "29.8cm"; pageWidth = "21.6cm"; pageOrientation = PageOrientation.portrait; facingPages == true; documentBleedUniformSize = true; documentBleedTopOffset = "3p"; documentSlugUniformSize = true; slugTopOffset = ...